Coach Mac Barnes has been called the “Father of FCA” in Mississippi by many well-known coaches throughout the years. He started an FCA chapter at Meridian High School in Mississippi in 1978 and has been involved in the ministry of FCA ever since. He has served on the state and local FCA boards for over 30 years, and has attended FCA coaches and athletes camps for 25-plus years. In 2019, Coach was inducted into the National FCA Hall of Champions, which is dedicated to individuals who have demonstrated a consistent commitment to Jesus Christ through the ministry of FCA. Coach Barnes currently serves on the Greater Meridian FCA Leadership Board.

While coaching, Barnes was not only successful on the field but more importantly in reaching young people for Jesus.

It has been said of Coach Barnes, “His impact has been felt in our community and around our state on everyone who has ever played for him or been taught by him. Throughout his entire tenure of coaching, he has lived out FCA's core values: integrity, serving, teamwork and excellence.”

The "Mac Barnes Coach of the Year Award," is presented every year to a coach in the Greater Meridian Area who, like Coach Barnes, exemplifies FCA's core values: integrity, serving, teamwork, & excellence.

Coaches nominated for this award must fit the following criteria:

-Nominee must be a jr. high or high school coach

-Nominee must be involved in an FCA huddle at his/her respective school

-Nominee must model the FCA values and be endorsed by FCA staff

Coach of The Year Nomination

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