Mark Bryan Memorial

Scholarship Application

Each year, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in the Greater Meridian area (Kemper, Lauderdale, Clarke, & Jasper counties) hosts the “Jackie Slay” FCA Breakfast of Champions. At this event, two exemplary student-athletes from each of the 15 high schools across the area are recognized as Champions of Character. These are students who exemplify the FCA values (integrity, serving, teamwork, and excellence) on and off the field.

Out of this group of students, the Greater Meridian Male and Female Athletes of the Year are named. These students will receive a plaque and full tuition to attend either our state FCA Leadership Camp at Belhaven University or FCA's longest running camp, the Black Mountain Leadership Camp in North Carolina.

To be considered for this award, Champions of Character must complete this application and have a coach or FCA sponsor from his or her school write a letter of recommendation on his or her behalf. (Due by March 8, 2024)

Letters of recommendation should be emailed to

Camp Scholarship Application

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